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Long time ago, I started with photography shooting wildlife animals, which, besides patience and the ability to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time, also made me realize that I was missing something in my photos. People.


The biggest motivation for me is to show you your world as it is.

With all the emotions so you can stop and experience them the way they deserve.

Portrét Jana Doležala, olomoucký svatební a rodinný fotograf.
Fotograf svateb a rodin Jan Doležal s dětmi z ulice při cestování v Indonésii.

My travels have twice taken me to Asia to teach English to children. I have to admit that despite the preparation, it was frustrating at times.

But no matter what I did, I felt that my presence and attention made all the difference.

I've tried to think of that ever since, as it's one of the things we all have in common across cultures.


I know from both personal and professional experience how much stress and pleasing everyone around you brings to planning
a wedding. I'm happy to help make the process easier for you.


Trust that seeing you happy will be enough for them all. 

Radovánky novomanželů při zimní svatbě na sněhu v Krásné u Lysé hory.

"First of all, thank you so much for the beautiful immortalization
of our wedding day. You managed to beautifully capture and choose the right moments.

You perfectly combined a sweet, friendly, yet utmost professional approach.

I really appreciate that."

Majda & René

Kluk prohání kachny.


It's important for me to get to know you before the wedding and listen to all your wishes and worries.


I've been a crowd-tamer since I was
a kid. Let me take care of yours, too,
so you can focus on what's important.
On each other. 

Wedding couple in traditional English clothes during an elopement wedding in Czechia.
Tatínek objímá svou ženu a syna při rodinném focení u rybníka.
Můž se romanticky dívá na ženu při západu slunce při předsvatební focení v Brně.
Děti chytají tátu při hravém rodinném focení na Jižní Moravě.
Ženich sedí vedle nevěsty při svatebním focení ve skalách.
Svědek gratuluje ženichovi objetím na kopci na svatbě ve Sportovně-střeleckém areálu Jívová.
Ženich zvedá nevěstu na svatební párty na vesnické svatbě.
International couple laugh during an elopement wedding in Hluboká nad Vltavou.
Těhotná žena drží za ruku svého muže při těhotenském focení u rybníku Poděbrady u Olomouce.

Wedding and family photographer

Brno, Olomouc + anywhere else

+420 721 377 504

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MyWed symbol s odkazem na stránky svatebního fotografa z Brna Jana Doležala.

© Jan Doležal

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